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    SSR-friendly Custom React Hook for Local Storage Read and Write


    There are hundreds of custom React hooks to access the local storage out there. But I was tempted to create my own using useSyncExternalStore since I figured it's the proper hooks for this kind of use case. Now I'm sure there are already a package that does exactly what I want, but I wanted to create it by myself, for the sake of learning.

    This was my first attempt.

    const useLocalStorage = (
      key: string,
      initialValue: string
    ) => {
      const data = useSyncExternalStore(
        (onChange) => {
          window.addEventListener("storage", onChange);
          return () => {
            window.removeEventListener("storage", onChange);
        () => {
          const data = localStorage.getItem(key);
          return data || initialValue;
        () => initialValue
      const setData = useCallback(
        (value: string) => {
          localStorage.setItem(key, value);
      return [data, setData] as const;

    Everything seemed to work at first. When I called setData function, the value was persisted in the local storage. But then I noticed that the data value was not updated which didn't re-render the component that used the hook in result. The weird thing was that when I directly modified the value in the local storage, the data value was updated and the component re-rendered. That caused me to think that the change subscription of useSyncExternalStore wasn indeed working.

    After few hours of debugging, I finally reached out to my sometimes-genius-sometimes-idiot companion, the gpt-4o which I am using via Supermaven. It immediately pointed out the problem with the code. At first, I didn't believe its explanation so I asked for the proof by giving me the documentation link. By the way, you should not blindly trust what LLM says. Always verify! Anyway, it gave me the link and once again I learned something new thanks to AI.

    So the problem is that the "storage" events are only fired when local storage is changed by a different document, not the document where the change originated. It's properly documented in the MDN docs but I didn't know it. So when I save the value in the local storage from the setData function, the event is not fired hence the useSyncExternalStore doesn't return the updated value.

    Equipped with this knowledge, I was able to fix the code by adding a custom event listener:

    const useLocalStorage = (key: string, initialValue?: string | null) => {
      const data = useSyncExternalStore(
        (onChange) => {
          const onStorageEvent = (e: Event) => {
            const customEvent = e as CustomEvent;
            if (customEvent.detail.key === key) {
          window.addEventListener("storage", onChange);
            onStorageEvent as EventListener
          return () => {
            window.removeEventListener("storage", onChange);
              onStorageEvent as EventListener
        () => {
          const data = localStorage.getItem(key);
          return data || initialValue;
        () => initialValue
      const setData = useCallback(
        (value: string) => {
          localStorage.setItem(key, value);
            new CustomEvent("local-storage-change", { detail: { key } })
      return [data, setData] as const;

    This custom hook basically does two things:

    • listens to the storage event and the custom event local-storage-change.
    • sends a custom event local-storage-change after storing the value in the local storage.

    I still add the official storage event listener because I want the component to still re-redner when the local storage is changed by another document.

    Finally thanks to useSyncExternalStore, this hook doesn't cause hydration mismatch error because it accepts the getServerSnapshot function which is run on the server when generating the HTML and on the client during hydration, i.e. when React takes the server HTML and makes it interactive.

    By the way, I'm making a book about Pull Requests Best Practices. Check it out!